In case you’d missed it…
The “Science Up First”, townhall was held at the Calgary Library last evening…but worry not, I sat through this so you wouldn’t have to.
It’s everything you would have expected for more than $3 Million Canadian Taxpayer dollars being flushed down the toilet, left in the hands of Timothy Caulfield:
Plus additional taxpayer funded resources being thrown at them by The Calgary Public Library and the Canadian Institute of Health Research. SUF began in 2021 - due to vaccine hesitancy, where Trudeau decided to set pallets of cash on fire to promote more jabs and more disinformation - with a group of purveyors of misinformation to combat actual information with their brand of misinformation:
Their weird focus on urinating in the shower and drinking pee started off being introduced by Aaron Noga, member of the Board of Directors for the Library of Calgary…
Who is ALSO the Board Chair for Obesity Canada…as irony would have it. Kind of seems like the Host of an AA meeting showing up drunk, but hey…who am I to judge, right?
Tim’s involvement in this ordeal, wasn’t to dispute any actual science…he was there to offer nothing to the conversation with exception of saying, fact checking has become tougher because of a lack of Trustworthy Sources, ya know, trustworthy people like him and his esteemed panel of colleagues.
Who included:
Event Moderator - Anthony Morgan;
OB/GYN Kenobi and Author - Jen Gunter;
President , Canadian Association of physicians for the Environment - Melissa Lem;
Family physician, indigenous healthcare and two-spirit advocate - James Makokis…
In addition to Caulfield…as in, they kinda had some sciency type people on their well diversified panel, IYKYK.
Where Moderator Morgan, concluded that science is a consensus before the presentations really took off:
Because, how could that ever go wrong, right?
Jen picked up here…saying that true science shouldn’t sound fantastical…
In a townhall who focused on the CONVID Jabs - where, the science on these said:
Past being fully vaccinated, you will take additional doses every 6 months; because,
The Absolute Risk Reduction of these is around 1%
And if you don’t take the jab…my jab won’t work.
Of course, because of this being in Alberta, where new legislation is being put in place to rein in sterilization, chemical castration and body mutilation - and protect parental rights over their children…their Expert on this, James Makokis, decided to tie into this, on a couple of opportunities - lastly saying and concluding that…He Knows Better and despite the new legislation, he’s going to continue on with these barbaric practices because the Province doesn’t have jurisdiction on Reserve Land:
James had odd stances throughout the circular conversations in this circle-jerk, moving from:
How indigenous people should be afraid of the government because of their testing on residential school children; to,
Supporting mental illness with lopping off body parts and the use of hormone therapies; through
Ignoring Provincial Legislation, because apparently, he’s not licensed or paid through the Province; concluding with,
First Nations people had the first medicines of Canada and they pretty much go by how they feel instead of following actual science.
This is James…would you see him or have your children go to him, as your family doctor?
Or would the flowery blouse, piercings in both ears, manbun + braids cause you to pause?
The event was plagued with lefty logic on Vaccines, Gender-Mutilation and Climate Alarmism, where few were in the audience and questions were moderated out of the Q&A periods…believe me, I tried…one of my questions being;
Can you name a single person that was saved by the vaccines?
Which of course, got no replies.
In End…they were asked to commit to a pledge to hold efforts to help rid the world of misinformation where the Green Activist - Melissa Lem, told us about how unscientific Elon Musk and the US government are and pledged to stop taking part in platforms that earn them money:
Of course she fails to realize that Elon, having launched more rockets in the last 5 years than NASA has since conception, creating and advancing robotics and AI in addition to Neuralink has pushed science more than she will accomplish in the entirety of her life.
But he’s the one spreading misinformation, hey?
Apparently…this clownshow will continue on for the next week…and through the Science Up First Website…
And will most likely be on par for success as the $2 Million that the Feds spend in producing a podcast that nobody listened to:
This was an Echo-Chamber…
It wasn’t a conversation…it was all talking down to everybody who has the ability to read and research…using the exact same information that they do.
If they truly wanted to convince people of their ideologies - they’d have hosted opposing opinions, introduced facts as evidence or simply taken the time to read some of the latest information available.
But of course…if they did all of that, who’d actually fund their grift?
I can only hope all these people are up to date on their boosters, especially Tim Caulfield.
Oh dear god, how will we overcome these people when our tax dollars - $3million!!- allow them to keep spewing their "misinformation" or dare I say PROPAGANDA!