
Rach is going Full-Blown Temper Tantrum...

Because the new Premier isn't paying enough attention to her.

What we have here is a classic case of Public and Political FRAUD on the part of Rachel - hold my beer - Notley. Because instead of posting the video you just watched, where Alberta’s Minister of Education - Adriana LaGrange - clearly states that MASKING KIDS is what caused their mental health issue…Rach defered to a legacy media (sponsored by the Liberal Government and your Tax Dollars) shitpost that doesn’t like her approach claiming that the problem is being addressed without being addressed…or something:

We all knew that we’d see the MSM supporting the Liberal/NDP coalition and this is no shocker…but it’s complete farce.

I want you to do something…go back and play back the question that was asked…to confirm what I am writing here. The question from the media and liberal shill here is:

“I’m hearing from parents that mental health challenges in their students are Sssssspesifically the result…blah blah blah”.

Parents don’t have students.


So, this isn’t actually what this leftie loon heard from parents…it’s a bullshit question from teachers who want you to believe that it came from parents…because nobody really pays attention and they needed a soundbite to attack.

Now…you really should go and replay the video and listing to the pontification used through over enunciation in the question…and realize that this woman is trying to get LaGrange to admit that they won’t allow individual schools to have their own mask mandates as they SEE FIT to address the Mental Health Challenges, that Adrian was supposedly actually addressing today.

Are we planning to regress to letting children suck their thumbs and carry blankeys in school to address these same problems as well?

Wearing a mask is NOT a Mental Health Aide…and forcing children to wear them has been detrimental to their health, learning and speech - so says the SCIENCE.

Of course the media never reported on when Hinshaw had to disclose the fact that she actually had the science on how harmful masks were…because it’s when she got busted down for trying to claim cabinet privilege…as reported by the JCCF:

The Alberta government failed to disclose the existence of these documents in the Ingram case.

According to the Application, the Alberta government-generated memo states that:

  • There is insufficient direct evidence of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing transmission of Covid in educational settings;

  • That there are harmful effects of mask wearing on children; and

That masks can:

  • Disrupt learning;

  • Interfere with children’s social development;

  • Interfere with children’s emotional development;

  • Interfere with children’s speech development;

  • Impair verbal and non-verbal communication;

  • Impair emotional signalling; and

  • Impair facial recognition.

During her cross-examination in April, Dr. Hinshaw was specifically asked whether she was aware of any evidence of harms to elementary school children from being compelled to wear masks. Dr. Hinshaw answered this question before the court in April in the negative. The Application contends Dr. Hinshaw’s answers to this line of questions were false, and that she failed to disclose her knowledge of the harms to children from forced masking.

You see….Hinshaw Perjured herself…a HUGE part of the reason she was recently shit-canned as CMOH…not the perjury itself…but more so that she lied…and then got caught.

But because the media hasn’t reported on the Ingram Case…most people don’t know it…and the Left-Wing Media can continue to call the masks effective at reducing risk of transmission of viruses, keep kids safe and state that they are now a Mental Health Aide?


The issue here is that previous Alberta Premier, Jason Kenney knew this too…so, the Smith Team can’t really talk about it without exposing his abysmal failures as a leader…for the party she now leads…without admission of the UCP complicity.

It’s a very delicate balance that Smith has to keep right now with her direction…she’s got to be very strategic while still being very swift…moving as faster than the “Speed of Science”…

And while she refuses to engage with Notley…and while she’s slowly building things up…she’s still firing back some barbs…both directly and indirectly. I laughed really hard when I seen her like on this one…

And while this will appeal to people like me…maybe even people like you…she does have a better strategy in continuing to show what the NDP coalition has been supporting in pieces like this:


I mean…while this next provincial election could just be a duke it out match with 2 very politically strong women…one who needs a liver transplant (Left) and one who supports Alberta instead of Alberta Unions (Right)…where Rach blames Kenney and the UCP for the failures during COVID and Smith tying every Liberal Scandal back to the coalition government…

It’s good to see Danielle getting shit done…while still tanking the opposition!

Rage on, Rach.

While you might be scoring the odd point on social media…Smith is kicking your ass!

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