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Premier Danielle Smith Already had to Issue Clarity to the Woke Mobs

I hope she doesn't continue to do this.

In her statement yesterday, Premier Danielle Smith said that, They [unvaccinated], have been the most discriminated group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime and that’s a pretty extreme level of discrimination”.

She mentioned being fired from your job, not allowed to watch their kids play hockey, not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospitals, not allowed to get on a plane…

And she’s absolutely not wrong.

Danielle Smith is 51 years old and on Canadian soil, in the last 50 years, there has been discrimination…absolutely no doubt…but not to the level that her predecessor Jason Kenney, under the Liberal Minority Federal Government, levied against Albertans and Canadians - as in, the only MASS event she would have actually “Witnessed”, in her life…in Canada.

There were millions of people who were goaded into getting jabbed under the threat of these discriminatory practices and those who, after threat, still simply refused…and for that, all of what she said and a lot more was used against people who refused a medical treatment that offered no benefit, for over a year - combining provincial and federal passports.

It’s literally the definition of discrimination and there has never been this level of discrimination as she’s seen in her 51 years of life on this planet that can even come close.

The majority of sane and rational people in Canada will not tolerate discrimination…and stand up to say as much…yet a lot of these same people screaming for rights for others, were the same people who were demanding that the Unvaccinated be Punished. With absolutely no self-awareness of what they were doing.

This shit was promoted by taxpayer funded media and pushed through schools, intramural sports, at churches, funerals, hospitals…by people who only paid attention to the news and were feared into the jabs…because it was supposed to “protect them” and “protect others”.

Remember…”my vaccine doesn’t work unless you are vaccinated”?

I still can’t believe people fell for and repeated that line.

And then hearing that the vaccines were never tested to stop transmission:

Yakk Stack
In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.
Read more

And now seeing that, Health Canada - refusing to update their reporting since August 28, 2022…still shows that the majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are actually in people who have been fully vaccinated +, showing that those with Boosters make up the Majority of Hospitalizations and Deaths, of the vaccinated groups.

As in…they made up less cases, took up more hospital beds and died at a much more rapid pace following their booster…and it doesn’t stop at “primary serious and an additional dose”…people with 2 or more additional doses are already hitting the hospitals and dying…with 4 or 5 jabs.

And people are still supporting this, ‘best way to get through the pandemic’, schtick being pushed by Legacy Media…for 22 months of vaccinations…and 5 jabs!


Smith got hit by 2 sides of the woke:

  1. “It wasn’t discrimination”, they screeched, “it was consequences for their actions”.

Needing to take 2 seats on a plane to fit the size of your bottom, is the consequences of your actions…but try and say that out loud and see what happens.

You are a “bigoted fat shamer”.

Listen, I used to be fat…and I know exactly whose fault it was that I was fat…it was MINE and being FAT was the Consequence of My Actions.

I also know that along with obesity do come a plethora of other health problems…Literally Every Single Comorbidity listed for High Risk Groups from dying from COVID.

Were fat people singled out, during the pandemic…as they were most likely going to be hospitalized and die?

Nope…nobody called them out for their actions.

What about just being old?

60+ make up 91% of the COVID Mortality in Alberta…

We knew this prior to the first case of COVID in the Province of Alberta…did we lock these people down and restrict their movement because they’d be taking up hospital beds and dying from COVID at a much higher rate?

Nope…Didn’t do this either.

In fact…had we approached this from a Logical Standpoint…we would have spent more time protecting the elderly and ill instead of picking fights with people who wouldn’t get a jab because they were never at risk and actually saved lives.

See “Great Barrington Declaration”.

  1. “There were worse atrocities in Canada for discrimination”.

Sure. I won’t discount this…but that’s not what she was talking about and even said, “I don’t takeaway any of the discrimination that I’ve seen in those other groups that you mention”…as in, she recognizes that there were previous atrocities, but is focused on recovering from the one at hand.

It’s the #1 form of mass discrimination that our province has seen in at least one full generation…and we’re still not over it yet.

Can we keep the eye on this ball for a moment…


You may ask…it’s like this…

We are coming into respiratory virus season, where already this year more people have died from COVID than did in 2020, before vaccines and additional treatments and before 2 years of experience…the proverbial shit is about to hit the proverbial fan.

We need to take our medical focus off of people who were never in danger and refused to get vaccinated and have already survived 31 months of pandemic…and start turning our attention to saving some lives. The same lives we knew were at risk before the first case of COVID hit the province…who have never been afforded targeted protection.

That’d be good, hey?

After that…we need to understand that all discrimination is equally terrible and that it should never be tolerated nor promoted by our taxpayer funded media.

After that…we need Premier Danielle Smith to be firm in her position and not play into or pay attention to the woke mobs. They will never quit and the more attention you give them, the louder they will get.

I said I was going to be critical…

I can’t wait until she yanks the jabs away from Under 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and then 50’s…before she goes full scorched earth on the “Safe and Reliable”, bullshit.

This is going to be amazing!

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