I said before I go into full hibernation that I’d have a few updates to share with our community, because I thought they’d be important and in order to do this most effectively, I’ve got to preface the information before the updates because of the amount of space afforded in a substack as well as for an easier consumption of information.
While I won’t say what those updates are just yet…I am going to link them to something that just happened yesterday:

Jason - your guy really screwed the pooch- Kenny, Former Premier of Alberta, replaced by Danielle Smith, retired from Politics…and while I have a few ideas as to why this may have happened…I’ll stick to what we’ve all been read-in-on.
Firstly…reported by the JCCF both Kenney and CMOH Deena Hinshaw knew the impact of masks on kids and still forced these measures on kids - and because of this, I’d suggested that:
And as it turns out, over the last couple of weeks…both of them have been turfed - Kenney retiring, Hinshaw getting the axe.
This is kind of big because their handling of the pandemic on the Province was a colossal failure…but it’s more than just this…it comes down to ‘what did they know?’ and ‘when did they know it?’
I’ve busted out this information before a while back but again…to tie into most recent events and forcasting a few updates, this information is kind of crucial to the understanding.
To lead off…I’m going to send you over to the current Alberta Provincial Influenza Dashboard…Link
And in this…what I want you to notice is the tab labeled “Immunizations”:
Because if you go over and compare this to the current Alberta COVID Dashboard…Link
That the word “Vaccinations” appears instead of the word “Immunization”.
And you’d have to first off wonder…why is that?
Welp…it does have a lot to do with the fact that we understand Immunization to mean immunity and immunity defined as:
The ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.
Whereas vaccination is defined as:
The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
Seems similar…but immunity is the ability to resist infection, which would lead to stopping transmission…where vaccination only produces protection - which, in the case of the COVID vaccines, implies that the symptoms would be less severe.
And this is telling enough…but I have to take you back to when the Province first Rolled out the Vaccines and reported them on the COVID Dashboard. For this, you’d have to go back to April 25th, 2021…and in doing this…guess which of these 2 words actually appears on the dashboard?
So strange hey…when the COVID vaccines first came out, we were told that they would End COVID and being Vaccinated was Integral to Herd Immunity…and that they would Stop Transmission….and this was shown on the dashboard by the use of the word - Immunizations. (*Note - I’ve highlighted the “Comorbidities” tab - I’ll get to this).
The Immunizations tab stayed on the dashboard from April 25th, 2021 to when it was replaced on May 17th, 2021, or less than 1 full month later to Vaccinations:
Meaning that only after only having “Fully Vaccinated” 8% of the population of the province…they realized that there was NO IMMUNITY on the table from the jabs…
But they kept on pushing through this, without ever really letting on…because it wasn’t until the end of June, 2021 that COVID outbreak cases following Vaccinations began to be reported Globally….but they knew this a full month earlier.
Comorbidities vs Pre-Existing Conditions
The timing on changing the word Comorbidities on the Dashboard seemingly coincided with the initiation of the COVID Travel Passports…kinda. You see, they only changed the usage of the term Comorbidities on August 31st, 2021:
Swapping it up with “Pre-Existing Health Conditions”.
Things were really heating up in Canada at this point…Federal Election and Vaccine Passports (in Alberta) would happen on September 20th, 2021 and they needed to get more jabs into more arms.
Now…I’ll be drilling more into the “Behavioral Change Wheel”, that Alberta Health Services elected to use instead of actual information on COVID…in time…but for now, let’s just discuss these 2 words.
Defined…they pretty much mean the same thing…and used on the Dashboard, indicate that you had some health issues prior to dying with/from COVID. But when you think about this…Comorbidity seemingly would be greater understood as having More than One Condition that lead to Morbidity (Death), with from COVID…indicating severity of condition was a lot greater then what you might expect in a ‘Pre-Existing Condition’.
Morbidity we associate with DEATH…pre-existing conditions is a lot more broad meaning that this might include hangnails, dandruff or halitosis as possible conditions that if you had and then caught COVID…you could DIE!
It was a scare tactic because Jason Kenney and Hinshaw full well knew by this point that they would be joining other provinces in a Vaccine Passport system which would lead into the possibility of Trudeau being re-elected in 2021, meaning that this shit was going FEDERAL!
You see…there is a lot to unpack with how this was all treated…but when you keep in mind that the New Premier is not only not going to enforce vaccines mandates, she’s actively working to see if there is legislation that already exists that can be strengthened to make sure that segregation is no longer a part of Alberta because of Vaccine Status…and appreciate that what Kenney and Hinshaw did over the last 2 years with the vaccines is toxic to this situation. Nobody wants this information to be brought up…there is no ‘Good Political Spin’ to it.
There’s one more thing I want to show you…before I close down this preface which will most likely be longer than the updates I intend to provide…and that’s on a Safety Comparison.
At current, 20.5% of the population of the province is “Immunized” for Influenza, according to the provincial dashboard:
From the first reporting on Immunizations on COVID, April 25th, 2021 - only 6.1% of the Population was “Fully Immunized”:
If we compared the ‘Safety Signals’, on both of these vaccines…we’d see that by the time 6.1% of the population was “Fully Immunized” from COVID, there were almost 5x more AEFIs (Adverse events following immunizations) than are to current Influenza Vaccines where 20.5% of the population has had the Flu Jabs:
And…in these AEFI’s…only the COVID Jabs have a AESI’s included (boxed in red) - where AESI’s are Adverse Events of Special Interest…meaning, life altering conditions or extreme severity in reactions…think myocarditis.
By April 25, 2021 - the Province of Alberta knew that the COVID vaccines weren’t safe - in comparison to what we see by way of AEFIs from Influenza Vaccines.
By May 17th, 2021 - the Province of Alberta knew that the COVID vaccines didn’t provide immunity.
By August 31st, 2021 - to scare you into getting your jabs, they loosened the terminology of comorbidity to pre-existing conditions.
Cut point here…there’ll be more to follow…I just wanted to make sure that you were up-to-speed or at least have this information refreshed for you to really be able to absorb my next couple of updates.
And this is why we need you more than ever to continue your work even if only on these specific things and let everything else go to someone else! You know where to find the data and you know how to unpack it into ways that the regular layman can understand! Take a break for Christmas, rest up, relax, enjoy your family and friends, but please don't forget about us little people who rely on you to put the truth about the numbers out there in a way anyone can understand!
It is understandable that you need to take a break from all this information and I appreciate your research . I'm sure its difficult for your family especially with your tenacity and researching ability - something I consider a gift . I hope you can have restoration with your family and friends before it takes too big a toll. Thank you for everything as the world turns in warp speed.