Now that I’ve had some time to read more content in their book - Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole, Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic - and spend some time on the phone with Dr. Pelech, I can tell you that this evenings livestream is going to be one that you Do Not Want to Miss!
I’ve got them scheduled for 7PM MDT (Calgary Time), to hop on…give a bit of an introduction to their book as well as a bit of an introduction into their next book…
As well as, in my conversation with Dr. Pelech, have covered off on some of the Truths behind:
The Immune System;
CONVID Mortalities;
The Jabs and how they:
Provided little to ZERO protections;
Made those that took multiples of them, a target for CONVID;
Can offer ZERO benefit to anybody who takes them now, or even the New Versions;
And More!
That we’ll be discussing this evening.
“The world has Moved On”…they keep trying to tell us, while promoting more CONVID fear and the new and improved versions of the Jabs.
Meaning, it absolutely has not and can not, until we fully appreciate what COVID was and what was done to the Mass Populations inside of Canada throughout the last 4 years of insanity!
Unfortunately…because of censorship by YouTube, I will not be able to post a link to view on Substack, so…you’ll have to join in on Twitter/X or find my stream on Facebook, however…
If you are unable to make the conversation, I’ll post the full video once is complete.
I too, would love to MOVE ON. It's just that I have buried 4 relatively young cousins/brother-in-law in the last 9 months. All died within weeks or a few months of diagnosis. All SHOT UP like they had encountered Clyde Barrow as he was trying to quickly exit a bank. I currently have 2 other friends now battling cancer, and they too have run into Clyde on numerous occasions.