I remember a couple years back when talking about the Jabs altering DNA was considered “misinformation”, and could get you banned from platforms or have your content flagged and removed.
On LinkedIn…I’d had posts censored within 10 minutes!
This from March 1st, 2022…
And now, while we are having these same conversations about the potential of DNA being altered (after seeing it over 2 years ago), they are still flying under the radar and still haven’t really made it to stages of mass studies.
There are hundreds if not thousands of fraudulent and wildly inaccurate, ‘safe and effective’ studies in support of the Jabs…while no real world data actually supported these conclusions.
They counted a lot on people being terrible at math and not wanting to look at the data behind the colorful images that they’d produce in fear porn, to drive you into the nearest vaccination station close to you…while few even bothered to question this.
Okay…there were millions of us that knew something was wrong, but not always why.
So…now that we are mostly past the censorship, it’s important to really dive into, what have these jabs done?
For the most part…I’ve steered away from the complicated medical chatter because a lot of it is confusing and was always a little questionable. A lot of what was being presented had me steering away from this and maintaining focus on the statistics behind these…because that should have been enough to have more people - especially trained healthcare practitioners - standing up to the tyranny of the forced medical procedures.
But now…where the failure of these same jabs is even more apparent and is being more widely exposed and now that the majority of the data is either hidden or no longer provided through provincial and federal reporting…I can take some time to drill a little more into this and hopefully relay the information in a way that others can understand and share with their families, friends and communities.
Since being removed from LinkedIn, where I chatted with a lot of Doctors, Nurses and Healthcare Professionals…the vast majority of who I now discuss things with, are forced to cloak themselves in anonymity for fear of retribution. I can appreciate this…and appreciate what David has and still is going through, posting under his real name and being widely transparent with his identity.
So, hopping onto a call with a Doctor Speicher was kewl.
As we got into this…I have to admit, my understanding of what was going on with the whole Genetic Modification from the Jabs was, for the most part, non-existent. Yeah, I seen the headlines and read through some of the information but never really got it. Now that my knowledge has increased from Zilch to the level of glossy eyed neophyte, what David walked me through is absolutely terrifying.
Yeah…I know some of you have arrived here, long before me and that’s great. If I miss anything, please feel free to post additional information, that I don’t cover…into the comments for others who haven’t kept up.
To understand these…what you need to appreciate is that, unlike a lot of medications or pharmaceuticals that we are familiar with, the COVID Jabs are not a recipe of chemicals that are thrown together and pilled up or mixed into potions.
They are, in effect, more akin to gardened products.
Plant a seed, wait for it to grow and produce fruit…process them and then make available for human consumption.
Only, the fruit of these jabs is more akin to brussels sprouts by way of nastiness than are to the sweet and delicious fresh berry, you’d find at your farmers market.
I still question the efficacy of Traditional Vaccines - where a portion of dead virus was added to solution, stabbed into muscles and preps the immune system to minimize immune reaction to the live virus you may come into contact with…because they moved past this idea, really fast before coming up with the mRNA versions…where they considered traditional vaccines a failure and then after watching the mRNA jabs an overwhelming success despite their obvious failures after 3 full years.
Moving along…
As I understand things…for approval, Process 1 was used to create these mRNA jabs. The process behind this used PCR technology (polymerase chain reaction), for initial testing and approval. However…due to cost and scalable measures and because of the Global Demand…they’d moved onto Process 2, which is where we get into the gardening stage of these.
For mass replication, bits and pieces required for the vaccine were farmed using E. Coli as their medium…and it’s in here where things start to go horribly wrong. In doing this, there were billions of fragments of DNA and RNA that got added to the final products, where they weren’t present in the Phase 1 versions.
This in itself seems like a terrible idea.
But to understand this…it’s not actually that different from traditional vaccines because it’s been understood that this may come to happen…and certain guidelines and restrictions were placed on vaccines for safety thresholds.
The body has a way to rid itself of these and was deemed no big deal.
With that being said…in the 35 vials of COVID Vaccines that David has analyzed, the volumes of these particles was grossly in excess of what these regulatory thresholds actually are.
We’re talking a range by safety recommendations of 10ng/dose to between 3000-5000ng/dose.
Yeah…at minimum, approximately 300x the established safe limit.
Still…these tiny little fragments, under normal and historic circumstances - would be deemed as no big deal as they will die off and your body will process out the trashy bits.
Where this starts to get worse is that in order to make the vaccines more effective, these were encapsulated in LNP (lipid nanoparticles) to keep them protected from the bodies initial immune reaction. Basically…they were added into a Trojan Horse and then injected into unwitting and uninformed recipients.
What this has done is made it so that, instead of getting the jab into a muscle and it remaining local to the site before being processed out…they were protected and able to make it into your cells, protecting them long enough for infiltration.
For those who have suffered from a Vaccine Injury that’s led to chronic conditions…is that the idea of encapsulation has made it so that these dangerous particles, including the spike assembly process, has travelled throughout the body and into tissues, organs and lymph nodes - and from what already seen…this includes the heart, liver, kidneys, eyes and even crossing the BBB (brain blood barrier), into your skull…YIKES!
This was specific to the mRNA jabs - both Pfizer and Moderna…and here’s where things start to get a lot more scary for the Pfizer version.
In testing this…they found that SV40 promoter.
Now…what’s the difference from SV40 and SV40 Promoter?
The promoter portion isn’t the actual Virus…it’s the genetic targeting system used by the Simian Vacuolating Virus - which targets the nucleus of the cells.
Like this:
Only…while it’s not necessarily blowing up your cells…there is the potential that this encapsulation, used to bypass the primary protection of cells, and the targeting of SV40 Promoter…may alter your Genetic Code with bits and pieces of the billions of pieces of trash that were byproducts of their production.
Despite what our history in a world of fantasy looks like, where genetic alterations may give you the strength of a Hulk or the reflexes of a Spider…and while some of these same scientists working on this, believe that they can use these ideas to target specific types of cancers…when you take unknown particles and insert them blindly into your genetic code, have no idea of what organ they may target…we’re setting ourselves up for really bad things to happen.
And the worst part about this is that scientists can only speculate on what some of these worst things actually are.
Cancers - to be sure. Anecdotally, statistically and through actual medical studies, we’re already seeing what this may be causing:
But what else?
Where does this fully extend to?
Does this change or alter our entire DNA or does it turn us into some sort of freakish chimera?
Would these genetic swings, where these infiltrations occur in non-specific locations…cause our bodies to start rejecting our own organs because they no longer recognize them?
What about children who are born to COVID mRNA vaccinated parents?
What are their lives going to look like?
Full of diseases and suffering?
What does this mean for future blood and organ donations?
Now I get it…this is all still theoretical though, from the March of 2022 posting to current, where genetic alteration was only proven in vitro in liver tissue…nobody is really focused on figuring out the long-term impacts of what has been done.
Because if this is proven…what worlds does this open up?
And if it isn’t…what problems will surface that we will take years to understand.
We may have seen the permanent altercation of the human genetic code.
We may have vaccinated ourselves out of existence.
And this is terrifying!
For a more in depth look at the work that Dr. David Speicher is working on, make sure to check out his substack →
…and you can also check out the conversation that’s been initiated in the United States, regarding this same thing:
If anyone of you reading this comment has seen “I Am Legend”, we are setting ourselves up for some form of catastrophic failure. Please continue doing what is necessary to delve into the point! Thank you…
Remember a couple of years ago when this happened.....WELLL....
The Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations yesterday confirmed it spent millions to uncover the “heartbreaking truth” of unmarked Indian Residential School graves in Kamloops, B.C. No remains have been recovered to date and no accounting of what became of the $7.9 million has been disclosed.
...I'm sure it won't take too long to get our public apology.....right?