Modelling Indicates that the Vaccines Prevented 34 Million Cases?
2 Million Hospitalizations and 800k Deaths?
Dr. Tam has leaned in on the Climate Scientists type modelling bullshit to show how effective the vaccines have been…but it’s all modelling data and a completely fictional tale.
She started off with this as a public announcement via twitter last week:

A self congratulatory post, where by making up fictional numbers that were never achieved shows signs of success (achieving high vaccine coverage)…but this is actually the model used by PHAC and Provincial Health Care Providers.
Back when watching the first case against the Province of Alberta, I had listened to “Expert Testimony”, provided by by Dr. Jason Kindrachuk, Assistant Professor and Not an actual Virologist on February 23, 2022, you can read about it all in a summary here:
But it basically boils down to one thing in what Hamster Boy said…Actual Data is important, but Modelling Data is less time consuming…meaning, as long as they can continue to wildly make up numbers and not see them hit, they can claim success of the measures put in place, which is exactly what Dr. Tam has covered in her Twitter updates.
Fictional numbers that were never hit…because “achieving high vaccine coverage”.
But let’s have a gander at the actual numbers→Link
Current population of Canada is 38,654,738.
Tam Claims that 34 million people would have had COVID if weren’t for vaccines.
34/38.654=88%, compared to the 3.3 actual cases - 8.5%.
Which is actually kind of amusing because nobody honestly knows how many cases there were in Canada because of the high rate of false positives in PCR testing due to no standardization of Cycle Threshold, meaning that by not working with the only tool that we did - up-to when RATs were made available, the failure rate for PCR testing looks like:
27 cycles 34% False Positive
32 cycles 72% False Positive
37 cycles 92% False Positive
40+ Functional False Positive Test is nearly 100%
And even with this…we have absolutely no idea how many people were asymptomatic and were never going to even look for this because if we could have en massed tested for Natural Immunity by already having had COVID, the Needle Program would have been thrown right out of the window.
And…by PHAC Current reporting, only cases now…not hospitalizations and deaths:
With 1 Million Cases Missing (2.3M vs 3.3M in the report), less than 50% of these were in the Unvaccinated where it took until June 10th, 2021 to have 10% of the population fully vaccinated:
And we still saw the following spikes after almost 80% of the population was fully vaccinated:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, because nobody is talking about ‘Reinfection Rates’ and the fact that you can still catch COVID multiples of times after being vaccinated, how anybody can openly state that this was reduced by a vaccine that doesn’t stop transmission is a complete farce.
Tam claims there would have been 2 Million Hospitalizations without Vaccinations, when Health Canada’s available Hospitalizations Stats (from July 10, 2021 first report to June 5, 2022 last report) shows that 62% of the cases were in people who’d been vaccinated:
And that number was increasing after boosters rolled out from 62% to 66%…
To where the last month of report-able data showed a disproportion of Hospitalizations (and deaths) to the people with the most jabs…as in, More Jabs=Hospitalized in Greater Numbers and Dying Faster.
Which of course leads us perfectly into…
68% of the deaths made up by 55.91% of the vaccinated population.
That number is ALARMING!
Where after multiple jabs + hybrid immunity (Jabs and Contraction of COVID) were present + Weakening Variants shows that people with the most jabs are now dying the absolute fastest, which would appear to be DRIVEN by Vaccines:
And this doesn’t even cover that there was an additional 216% increase in mortality since the vaccines rolled out - December 14-Current (August 5, 2022):
Where up-to-date shows that 92.6% of the Mortality was in those over the age of 60:
Now, I haven’t thoroughly gone through their magic number keeping in the report…this is only to address the 1st of 5 tweets with a summary that Tam gave from the report…and doesn’t even touch the abysmal failure of suggested public health care measures.
And…this does only cover deaths that were With/From COVID…meaning, we haven’t even really started looking into the excess mortality, where just in the Province of Alberta, the HIGHEST Cause of Mortality in 2021 was Unknown:
It will take years to figure out how many lives were lost due to the financial burden of the Lockdowns by suicide, drug overdose, shortened life span due to stresses and lack of mobility and the number of people with a shortened life span because of the HIGHEST rate of Vaccine Injuries in the history of Canada happened over the last 2 years.
And the cost to the economy?
Even the Staunch Supporters of Vaccines and Mandates can’t bite on to this apple…because while they believe in wearing 3 masks after being jabbed 5 times, they have to keep wearing masks and getting jabs because the pandemic isn’t over.
No, Dr. Tam…Your leadership through this was a complete failure, you lying sack of shit!
She's laughably positioning herself as someone who saved lives based on fraud.
She can now say, 'Yes, the vaccines killed 10 000 people. BUT. It saved 800 000. Ergo, benefits outweigh the risks'.
It's similar to that absurd study that claimed vaccines saved 20 million people.
This is their latest scam.
I don't think many people believe the theatrics anymore. It's getting harder to sympathize with people who are destroying their immune systems. Thank you for all your work Sheldon!