I’ve had a bit of a grueling schedule over the last week - work and getting stuffs together for the Merch Launch and wasn’t sure that I’d get a chance to bust these out…but I’m getting close.
Over the rest of the weekend, I’ll be dialing in the laser and etching some business card sized ‘Mask Exemption Cards’ as a little bonus to be added to your purchases.
These are a black, powder coated (I believe), aluminum card that will not only tuck neatly into your wallet…but can stand up to some pretty rigorous testing.
Now…given how well most pay attention to what things actually say…they may or may not fool your friends and neighbors…but your coworkers and the mall security guards ain’t gunna say shit!
It’s just a novelty item that I figured I’d drop in as a nice little token of my appreciation for your help in helping me with my Veterans Food Bank initiative.
Please don’t use this to try and spoof your way past the mall cops, if the mask mandates come back into effect.
Just walk past them and politely tell them that you do not require a mask because you were never at risk.
While I’d hoped for a little warmer weather to get this done (garage isn’t heated)…meh, still think I can get em done.
I will be checking quantities available and matching up to orders - intent is at least one per purchase but if I have enough, may just go to one per T-Shirt so that you can have one for everybody you bought a shirt for.
A little more cleanup to do on the image and then going into production!
If you have no idea what initiative I’m working on, you can check out the details here:
Sorry, but anyone who says or asks me to wear a mask will get the same words I've said the last 3 years
Good evening, I just wanted to share this news. https://www.rebelnews.com/huge_alberta_premier_apologizes_to_unvaccinated_citizens_considers_dropping_all_lockdown_prosecutions