Starting to wrap my head around this video thing…have had some amazing guests on for some really great HeartBeat Conversations and a lot of support on these.
Sure…I’m still pretty terrible at this but in my defense, I believe the quality of content is more important that the quality of production. Yeah, I’ll continue to work on this, but am comfortable working at an organic pace (on the cheap).
But I think that it’s time to amp things up a notch!
We have a large and awesome community that loves to chime in both here in the comments section, on my Twitter/X posts and now even some comments on my YouTube Channel…and I want to make sure that this doesn’t fall by the wayside. As most of you know, I’m terrible at replying to emails and often times don’t get around to answering in threads or on posts…it’s a lot of work, man!
I figured that I’d give this idea a whirl.
Open up a Zoom Meeting - Townhall, like we’ve done in past…and then launch it through my streaming service. This way, content will be shared and broadcast throughout the platforms, available if you weren’t able to make the townhalls…or good for reference.
Now…I realize that this is:
Short Notice;
On a Friday Night;
During Summer;
Limited to my Zoom Capacity of 100 people…
But figured I’d see if I can get this all figured out and we can do some regular meet ups and will probably spend the entire time just working out technical issues.
There’s a lot of benefits to the Zoom Townhalls with the largest of them being…it’s free. Also, you don’t have to gas up, prep for public, sit beside somebody you don’t know…you don’t have to be approached by others looking to market wares, sign petitions or outrageous beverage and snack prices.
The in person meetings are still better…yes, I get this. I’ll still be doing my damnedest to continue on in trying to arrange public meets and letting you know of some great events that you can attend…but even in this, I can appreciate that with an audience that spreads across Canada, know that a lot can’t attend.
Welp…this might bring the best of both worlds together.
Group meets…continued live streams…great conversations and a growing community of like minds.
As per usual…cameras will be optional…
We’ll still have to be respectful and mindful of other people in their time…
And again, may be a bit technically goofy until I get it all sorted.
Should be a fun time…
Anyways…If you’re in, I’ll be posting the meeting links and dial in numbers tomorrow at 5pm(ish)…you can log in or simply just view the stream through the links provided in the post tomorrow, if you only want to be a fly on the proverbial wall.
I hope to see you tomorrow!
Sounds like a great Friday night event, count me in
This is great Sheldon for the ones that are too far away to get together in person. We can feel like part of the gang , just not face to face. Thanks for doing this