All politics boils down to these days is really summarized well by Jack Nicholson playing, absolutely bar none, the best version of Joker to have ever been cinematically released.
Right now, after coming out of the largest scam perpetrated on Canadians and most of the Western World - COVID-19 and it’s respective vaccinations that followed, we are in a true crisis with a complete loss of faith in our democracies…not to mention healthcare system and legacy media.
What’s worse about this right now is actually being a Conservative Albertan.
I’ve supported Smith and want to keep supporting her…but given that the NDP is actually tied in polling support in the province shows that she’s not doing so well.
We’ve witnessed the Coalition support for the Liberals, by the NDP Party of Canada, destroying our country and specifically attacking our provincial resources.
This isn’t a Big Brother Household that we are living in…it was never meant to be special alliances that form our government.
It’s our lives and livelihoods…
It’s the value of our dollar…
It’s about our ability to be treated fairly and equally…
It’s about having a democracy free from foreign influence…
It’s about reasonable taxation…
It’s about our freedom of expression…
It’s about wanting a world class healthcare system that we pay for…while witnessing the most abysmal of care…and it’s not really “Health Care”, it’s “Pharmacare”.
All things that we trusted Smith to champion.
And here we are in the largest scandal in provincial and federal history, where we learned that our last 2 federal elections have been hijacked by a foreign country to support a Liberal Government or to dissuade against Conservative candidates.
We have no idea how far this reaches…but can be assured that it was enough to keep the current Prime Minister seated.
And where is Smith and the UCP on this?
Who knows?
They’ve certainly not been talking about it in their press conferences or on their social media accounts.
Why wouldn’t they DEMAND an investigation?
Why wouldn’t Smith ask Notley for her support in this same, as she did with her support against the ‘Just Transition’, bullshit proposed by the Liberal Government:

I mean…seriously.
The Conservative Party Vote isn’t really a supportive vote, at this point.
It’s an Anti-Trudeau vote and while they have some enormous ammunition to fuel this fire…they’re refusing to use it.
It’s like this…
Right now…the UCP are puffing their chests over C-21 - Provincial Firearms Act:

Which is good…don’t get me wrong…
Right now, there are 340,000 licensed gun owners in Alberta →Link, with about 30,000 prohibited firearms…meaning at absolute most, 30,000 gun owners who’d have to surrender a single weapon in a gun grab by the feds.
At the same time…There are approximately 538,160 Albertans who still cannot fly into the United States because of their vaccine status.
Some of these people are still without Employment Insurance Benefits, some still haven’t been hired back to their place of work.
Now…I’m not going to say that these are mutually exclusive topics…meaning that because one happens, the other one couldn’t…but if they were…who would you prefer to champion…a group of 538,160 or a group of max 30k.
UCP, “Duhhhhhhhhhhh”…
We’re supposed to be the ones that are good at math, for fuck sakes!
Recent status shows that there are a declining amount of Canadians getting the vax, the PHAC has basically told people that the majority of Canada Never Needed The First Jab, supported by the “Actual Science”, that literally states Natural Immunity is as good if not better than Vaxxinated Immunity and that even if you’ve been Vaxxinated, you still need to GET COVID to have any immunity:
Did the entire UCP Party of Alberta and the CPC of Canada forget about the rest of the 8 Million Canadians who’ve NEVER been “Fully Vaccinated” and the total of 23.8 Million others who haven’t been jabbed in the last 6 months?
As in…there are only 22% of the country that even believe the jabs did anything?
As in, there was only around 20% of the population who never bought into the Scamdemic, through media fear porn…
Only around 20% of the population who still actually believe it exists, to begin with…
As in…80% of the population has inadvertently acknowledged they’ve been scammed over the last 3 years…
And those same 80% of the population should now want to know if our democracy has been hacked by the Liberals…if not, just want to know if they support an NDP party who is covering this up.
Pierre Poilievre, wants to give you a break on Carbon Taxes…
Smith, wants to boast about a pittance given back to select groups for “Affordability Payments”.
The Dippers, “Hubba Hubba Hubba” is free dental, free pharmaceuticals and blaming your grocer for higher costs.
The Libs…they just give out money.
The same Cold Hard Cash that you’ve been trying to squirrel away…in the carcass of a Frozen Turkey…Tucked into the back of your freezer.
Yep…that’s gone too!
While some have slept through politics over the last decade…their frozen turkey cash has been robbed, most of them already knowing it…and are still stuck in “Stupid” or “Denial”.
Now…whatever side of the political aisle you find yourself on…which is now seemingly a bit of a dodecahedron…(google it)…
The one thing that we should all come together on…is that our basic democratic process cannot be guarantied with any influence and with anything other than zero tolerance.
The Libs, Benefited.
The NDP, Supported this, because they also benefit from this.
The UCP and CPC Parties of Canada…are virtually as silent on this as they were on Vaccination Mandates…
History will repeat this…20% of the population of Canada will reap some benefit…while 80% reap the whirlwind.
Hubba, Hubba, Hubba.
Who do you trust.
I want to address the line regarding the prohibited firearms- the proposed amendments to c21 would include more, a lot more firearms than what is currently prohibited.
We’re talking potentially anything that takes a removable magazine, semi auto shotguns, etc.
Now it’s in the millions of firearms, and potentially all of those listed firearm owners.
How the heck does the NDP have so much support in Alberta of all places?
I know there are many transplanted Torontonians (and probably Montrealers?) in places like Calgary and Edmonton, but what the heck?