Health Canada Hides CONVID Mortality...
Vague Language in Bill C-293 - Vague Reporting by Health Canada.
This all leads into the vagueness of the language in Bill C-293…where we don’t need to be in a global pandemic for this bill to be enacted, once it’s passed royal ascent…it just needs to be the THREAT of a Global Pandemic
Throughout the last few years, I’ve spent a lot of time digging into and surfing over data presented by provinces and the culmination of data through the Epidemiology Update, posted by PHAC/Health Canada.
Because despite what the narrative has said, the data has never been as much supportive of what the provincial Chief Medical Officers of Health (CMoH) and Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer - Theresa Tam, have been spraying at Canadians through legacy media.
Risks to healthy Canadians, despite the reporting provided, doesn’t exist.
I mean…anymore than any other case of the sniffles under any other name, that is.
As reported in Israel…ZERO healthy individuals under the age of 50 actually died from CONVID…and with Health Canada reporting, following the greatest amount of jabs that had been given with the introduction of Paxlovid, and despite the facts that each subsequent variant of CONVID became less lethal…deaths for 2022 were greater than they were in 2020 or 2021.
Some provinces and territories actually reported more CONVID associated mortality in 2022 than the sum of 2020 and 2021 - easily viewed when I broke this all down on January 10th, 2023 →Here.
Just using the Maritime Provinces as an example…what would you even call their record of success by this:
Even with the most draconian of CMoHs, Queen Bonnie and their touting of vaccination mandates and high vaccine uptake, BC Stats for 2022 showed that over half of the CONVID deaths were in 2022…more than 2020 and 2021 combined.
The data for these was taken from the Epidemiology Update - information that was used to fear monger you into taking the jabs, wearing masks and limiting your contact with the outside world.
It was used to DIVIDE families and communities, where otherwise smart people were convinced that:
Their vaccine didn’t work unless you were vaccinated;
Their mask didn’t work unless you wore one;
You could get CONVID from an unvaccinated person, whether they were sick, showed symptoms, or not…the only pre-qualifier was how many holes were punched in their “How many jabs have you taken”, card, or if you even had one.
It was used to segregate the 8 million Canadians who never bit on the government vaccine narrative apple.
And now…coming into respiratory virus season, where CONVID is still such a threat, new jabs followed with new jab promotions are circulating in each province…the zealots screeching because they couldn’t pump more mRNA into their arms fast enough…(the zealots making up less than 4% of the population, in following the Vaccination Recommendations and less than 20% of Canadians even stepping in line for the previous New and Improved Jab, released in September of 2022):
Canadians have seemingly tuned in to the fact that CONVID was not the global killer that it was touted to be…and stopped believing in the efficacy of the jabs, in keeping them safer.
It was all a mind bend…the data was always polluted and corrupted.
They muddied the waters showing mortality, but never then stopped showing that these deaths were in people with 3 or more pre-existing and life shortening health conditions…a lot of them dying in HOSPICE care, never being admitted into an ICU.
They muddied the waters on vaccine effectiveness by giving it to people who stood no risk of dying…to show that they still didn’t die after CONVID.
And remember this?
“It’s too late, you should have gotten the jabs because now you’re going to die”:
But now that the majority of deaths are happening only in those who’ve repeatedly went back to the punch bowl for another cup of koolaid…they don’t want to talk about this anymore…
And coming into respiratory virus season…they don’t even want you to know that people are still dying from CONVID associated mortality.
The original epidemiology update, will no longer update and the data, no longer tracked on Cases and Deaths…cases, since June of 2024, all else, since September…and a New Dashboard created on October 4th.
And the new dashboard…is pretty much worthless.
If there were another pandemic…it certainly wouldn’t be shown here.
Because while it shows cases…it doesn’t show hospitalizations nor mortality and folds all data in with influenza and RSV:
They might as well be reporting cases of bad breath, when comes to alerting people to possible or potential dangers…
Try to find the Mortality on this…and not even all provinces or territories are reporting.
257 deaths…that’s not ‘THIS YEAR’…that’s this seasonal shift on Respiratory Viruses that they’ve adopted from Alberta, using August as the start of the year…again, to muddy the data.
And while 257 may still seem high, given the amount of jabs and the virulence of CONVID being on par with a paper cut…Alberta alone has reported 98, in this same reporting period:
And Alberta is only about 12% of the population…meaning that by evenly weighted distribution, there are potentially an additional 560 CONVID associated mortalities, throughout the rest of provinces.
Kind of begs the question…
Why would Canada choose to go this half-assed on respiratory viruses…as we are sliding into Respiratory Virus Season?
It’s hard to say…but I think that some of the answers may be found in the Passing of Bill C-293, back to Senate for full approval.
You see…due to the vagueness of the bill, the world doesn’t need to be IN an actual PANDEMIC state, there only needs to be the threat of one.
That’s right…
With Perceived Threat now being the Benchmark for government to enact measures dictated by Bill C-293…overreach by the government is one step closer…
And the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms just became even more worthless in protecting your civil liberties.
Strange how this all seemingly coincides with a Federal Election, in the not so distant future, hey?
I choose natural immunity. I choose common sense and actual scientific facts. I choose to make better choices around my health and the health of my family with advice from trusted health professionals and resources. I do not want incompetent and/or bought off politicians, corrupted scientific or medical journals, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and other organization, trust or foundation, big pharma, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank of Settlements or any captured, rogue country telling me what to do with my health.
There might be some hope on the horizon:
"The likelihood of a new government prioritizing the repeal of Bill C-293 would depend on several factors, including their overall policy agenda and the political climate at the time. Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party have emphasized priorities such as reducing government spending, cutting taxes, and increasing individual freedoms¹(²( If they view Bill C-293 as inconsistent with these goals, they might prioritize its repeal.
However, the decision to repeal would also depend on public opinion, the perceived effectiveness of the bill, and the political capital required to push through such a repeal. If the bill is seen as beneficial for pandemic preparedness and has broad public support, repealing it might not be a top priority.
Would you like to explore more about the potential impacts of this bill or other priorities of a Poilievre government?
¹( [](
²( [CBC News](
Source : conversation avec Copilot 2024-10-26
(1) Pierre Poilievre, "Government Priorities" on June 19th, 2024 ....
(2) Pierre Poilievre on Government Priorities |
(3) What Pierre Poilievre’s leadership means for the future of the ....
(4) Poilievre says he wants to restore the military while cutting spending ....
(5) Pierre Poilievre lays out priorities for Conservative Party ahead of ...." + "The likelihood of a new government prioritizing the repeal of Bill C-293 would depend on several factors, including their overall policy agenda and the political climate at the time. Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party have emphasized priorities such as reducing government spending, cutting taxes, and increasing individual freedoms¹(²( If they view Bill C-293 as inconsistent with these goals, they might prioritize its repeal.
However, the decision to repeal would also depend on public opinion, the perceived effectiveness of the bill, and the political capital required to push through such a repeal. If the bill is seen as beneficial for pandemic preparedness and has broad public support, repealing it might not be a top priority.
Would you like to explore more about the potential impacts of this bill or other priorities of a Poilievre government?
¹( [](
²( [CBC News](
Source : conversation avec Copilot 2024-10-26
(1) Pierre Poilievre, "Government Priorities" on June 19th, 2024 ....
(2) Pierre Poilievre on Government Priorities |
(3) What Pierre Poilievre’s leadership means for the future of the ....
(4) Poilievre says he wants to restore the military while cutting spending ....
(5) Pierre Poilievre lays out priorities for Conservative Party ahead of ...." = "The likelihood of a new government prioritizing the repeal of Bill C-293 would depend on several factors, including their overall policy agenda and the political climate at the time. Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party have emphasized priorities such as reducing government spending, cutting taxes, and increasing individual freedoms¹(²( If they view Bill C-293 as inconsistent with these goals, they might prioritize its repeal.
However, the decision to repeal would also depend on public opinion, the perceived effectiveness of the bill, and the political capital required to push through such a repeal. If the bill is seen as beneficial for pandemic preparedness and has broad public support, repealing it might not be a top priority.
Would you like to explore more about the potential impacts of this bill or other priorities of a Poilievre government?
¹( [](
²( [CBC News](
Source : conversation avec Copilot 2024-10-26
(1) Pierre Poilievre, "Government Priorities" on June 19th, 2024 ....
(2) Pierre Poilievre on Government Priorities |
(3) What Pierre Poilievre’s leadership means for the future of the ....
(4) Poilievre says he wants to restore the military while cutting spending ....
(5) Pierre Poilievre lays out priorities for Conservative Party ahead of ...."