You may remember, back in April of last year, when the Liberals coined the phrase - Generational Fairness.
Which really wasn’t about making anything fair…it was another grab-ass program to smack down on people who owned secondary properties and the capital gains taxes that they’d face if/when they sold them…
And despite this capital gains tax, never being officially legislated…this isn’t actually stopping Revenue Canada from enforcing it.
Read that again…
This new tax was introduced, never passed in the House of Commons…and yet, those who’d sold under the proposed timelines are still being punished with additional taxation burdens.
Of course this is going to result in lawsuits against the government…that’s the point.
They needed extra revenue on the books, did this illegally but will be long out of office before the rubber meets the road on this.
And now that a New Year has turned, liberals projecting to lose more seats, their voices not resonating with Canadians and because division is their only tactic…the Liberals have decided to pull out the old, failsafe, term - “Progressive” and applied it in reference to their latest idea on solving the housing crisis that they’d created:
“Real Progress” will mean “Cracking down” on people who didn’t sell off their revenue properties last year, who were still taxed additionally on property gains that was never legislated…
“To unlock more homes for Canadians”…
Welp…if their plans to ship home 5 Million Temp workers and Students between now and the end of the year, is an actual success…there won’t be a need for additional homes…in fact, this will most likely cause a complete market crash in the inflated housing market that is currently demand based.
And in parts of Ontario - given the heavily inflated home prices, it’s already beginning…people being forced to walk away from properties that they can no longer afford due to the costs of interest on their mortgages - seeing some having to take hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of loss to escape the noose of home ownership, in Trudeaus Canada.
And despite the fact that the feds have claimed to be “Building More Homes”, by throwing cash at their Housing Accelerator Fund…housing starts across Canada DECLINED by 7%, in 2024.
Spend more = Build Less…
People scheduled to be departing the country in the Millions…
And Trudeaus idea of “Progress” is to Crack Down on Canadians who’ve actually invested their already heavily taxed paycheque into an inflated market, with outstanding interest rates, paying increasing property taxes due to city managers being irresponsible in their spending…
To solve a problem that ought to have not been here in the first place.
An election can’t come soon enough…
But hopefully either through a prorogued government or an early election being called, lunacy like this will never actually make it to the books.
I look at this as having the exact opposite effect of what Trudope states, less housing available b/c why sell if you are going to pay more tax. Unless, of course, you have to sell if you're not covering expenses. I also doubt there's going to be a mass exodus of immigrants unless the gov't turns off the money tap.
"We're going to fix the lack of housing we created when we inundated the country with immigrants, by dictating how you can rent the property you own" . I believe we call that communism, no?