
Fisman Study Quoted By Liberals

Unvaccinated are Still the Problem?

I came across this clip this morning, figured I’d share it along as a carry over from my posts last week:

Yakk Stack
Can You See Where This Is All Heading?
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Because of how fast we actually arrived.

I should have seen by the way this post was echoed throughout all Canadian Media Sources, even the independents, the urgency that this information would be required. There’s simply no reason for something this stupid to have been so heavily covered when anybody that read it, probably got a nose bleed half way through.

The other reason that this screams out is because this is the exact same tactic that was used against the Freedom Convoy in February, when Trudeau broke all hearts on Valentines Day by bringing out the War Measures Act - now name Emergency Measures Act - against Canadians in condemning them as Terrorists.

Create the story…use the story to push the measures.

And this is exactly what has been done again. Paying a biased professor, David Fisman to create a study, have it published as “Peer Reviewed” in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) and then use it as Factual Information to continue the lockdown measures.

And they all celebrated and lived happily ever after.

Except…now that I’ve had time and a lot of anger brewing to sit down to this, I want to assemble the timeline of what’s been going down with COVID so that you have a full understanding and can share actual information throughout your community.

We’re going to start off walking back to September of 2021 when the Vaccine Passports were rolled out with each Province and this is what the case counts look like:


Averaging about 4,000 cases per day, over a 7-day period. We were already in case decline but we were also just walking into Respiratory Virus Season - Flu season which is seasonal to late fall/early winter for Canada.

Even when the passports were just being discussed, I’d compiled some thoughts on why I believed they’d fail:

Yakk Stack
Why the Canadian Provincial and Federal Vaxports will do absolutely nothing.
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Because everybody was pretty much aware that a phone app wouldn’t keep you anymore protected from a Respiratory Virus than a mask would. The thought is purely insane.

I even asked the question:

How many people have to die before the Government realizes that a phone app will not stop a respiratory virus?

To which, I never did receive any replies because it is literally this stupid.

However, governments went ahead and rolled them out anyways.

With the Federal Travel Restrictions coming into play by October, no unvaccinated Canadian was allowed to leave the country and by the beginning of November, we’d all learned about the Newest Variant of COVID - and all mocked it because of it’s Transformers/Decepticon like name - Omicron! I even went so far as to sing it along to the Paw Patrol theme song…you’ll know what I mean if you know what I mean.

IF apps and vaccines and masks worked (lions and tigers and bears, oh my), this species of bug would have never made it to Canada to begin with. At this time, we weren’t calling vaccinated and COVID+ cases breakthrough anymore because we’d seen the “rare breakthrough cases” increase and knew by June that reduced severity still meant Death, so we knew that Vaccinated Transmission of COVID was going to be a thing.

CBC - June 28, 2021 - Why reports of COVID-19 infections after 2 vaccine doses aren't cause for alarm

By November 29, 2021 Omicron had somehow landed…at Trudeau International Airport, of all places.

Global News - 1st Omicron cases in Canada landed at Montreal’s Trudeau International Airport

And from there, spread hotter than forest fires in BC in the summer. By the time we rang in the New Year, we were up to 41,000 cases daily:


An 8 fold INCREASE on the numbers prior to Vaccine Passports.

Was it Omicron that was really plaguing Canada, you ask?

By the Beginning of February, Health Canada had reported Omicron BA1 as 90.3% of the cases, with other smaller Omicron variants completing the cases:


But the Vaccines reduced severity, didn’t they?

To have a full look at this, we’d have to compare Canada to where Omicron originated South Africa by way of Deaths and in doing this, what we’d see is:

There was No Reduction in Mortality in Canada from previous waves, but there was a VAST improvement on the spikes for deaths in South Africa.

Probably because they were better at vaccinating, you’re thinking…right?

No…I know you weren’t thinking this at all…anyways…South Africa, as of Today, has only been able to Fully Vaccinate 30.9% of their population:


Where Canada, by the first cases of Omicron landing in Canada, at Trudeau National Airport - **chortle** - was at 76.3% fully vaccinated:


And making things even worse…when by the End of January, when BA1 had a new Sister - BA2, we’d learned that transmission in the Boosted Population was the absolute highest, putting unvaccinated at the lowest risk for the same. I covered this all in a substack aptly titled: BA.2 - Pandemic of the Boosted, but if you wanted to read the study completed it’s available →Link

Of what it does say:

We found BA.2 to be associated with an increased susceptibility of infection for unvaccinated individuals (Odds Ratio (OR) 2.19; 95%-CI 1.58-3.04), fully vaccinated individuals (OR 2.45; 95%-CI 1.77-3.40) and booster-vaccinated individuals (OR 2.99; 95%-CI 2.11-4.24), compared to BA.1.

In comparison to BA1, the unvaccinated had 2.2x more chance of transmission, the fully vaccinated had 2.5x more chance and the fully boosted tipped in at 3x more.

Cases are only a leading indicator, but over the last month of available data from Health Canada, the fully vaccinated made up 75% of the mortality. With a week over week study of the data, most recent available, Vaccinated had made up 81% of the deaths and of these boosted made up 55%.

All of this and the Liberal Government of Canada commissioned a study by a hack scientist to create a reason to keep Unvaccinated people from leaving Canada, being on a plane or train, away from taking up federal employment and also collecting Employment Insurance if they’d been terminated for…Not being vaccinated.

And still the one thing we don’t know or that any provincial or federal government has been able to provide or commission another study on?

The effective rate of the current vaccines on any of the Omicron Variants.

Just thought I’d keep you updated on this.

Will be throwing out a little more info this week and with more Pfizer Docs dropping, should be some other goodies worth talking about.

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