Last week, I had Dr. Geoffrey Pain onto a livestream conversation regarding the impacts of Fluoridation…and the information revealed by Dr. Pain went a lot deeper into my understanding of the impacts of Fluoridation on our bodies and especially our immune systems.
Dr. Pain explained that the bioaccumulation of Fluoride absolutely does have impacts on a number of our organs and bodily processes…from kidneys and thyroid to its ability to cause cancers, crossing over the Blood-Brain Barrier(BBB), potentially creating issues with dementia and even being linked to Alzheimer’s. In this, our bodies will have an immune reaction to try and sort through these issues, potentially weakening it and with chronic exposure to Fluoride causing chronic attacks on our immune systems…or, so Geoff was able to through published studies and an extensive history in studying Fluoride.
A lot of this has been on my mind, in addition to seasonal thoughts, other Canadian and worldly news…but, still echoing. I wanted to see if there was anything that I could really drill into to see if I could actually confirm this on a local level, in Alberta…past the number one leading cause of death in 2022 being - “Organic Dementia”, as posted from the 2022 Leading Causes of Mortality Statistics for the Province:
(Special Note - in 2021, the leading cause of Mortality for the Province was Ill-defined or Unknown)
And while seeing that dementia is a leading cause of mortality, in the province and has gotten progressively worse from 2001 to the most current report…
I can’t separate this by municipalities between the Fluoridated Edmonton and the Un-fluoridated Calgary.
But then it occurred to me…
In the initial statistical data provided by the Province - prior to being wiped out and erased from the Provincial COVID Dashboard, Mortalities could be sorted through Alberta Health Service Zones…
You can see the regions selected.
Interesting so far, right?
So, I parsed out the mortalities from the report, on the last report that I could find in my downloaded documents where it showed a total of 4,637 COVID associated Mortalities - up to July 3, 2022. From here, parsed out the mortalities from Edmonton and Calgary, specifically…knowing that Edmonton does have fluoridated water and Calgary does not…
And was actually quite shocked at what this revealed.
Calgary - through this tracking period had 1,304 of these 4,637 COVID reported deaths - making up 28% of total deaths, up to this point.
Edmonton had 1,770 - making up 38% of them.
Which is a HUGE Variance…if populations of the 2 major Alberta Cities were similar in size.
The problem is…they’re NOT!
The population of Edmonton as reported in 2022 was 1.087 Million People, where as Calgary made up 1.414 Million…meaning that while Calgary had about 30% more people living in it…Edmonton had 35% more COVID Deaths.
And this is actually kind of HUGE!
There may be some other factors that will have had an impact on this variance, but given the massive delta on these…somebody has some explaining to do before we can allow this to happen to Calgary Water.
The information that Calgarians were sold on, when voting in the 2021 plebiscite, was the impact on teeth, which was a very one-sided presentation of information from studies that were poorly conducted, where other studies showed absolutely NO VALUE from supplementation of Fluoride in reduction of Cavities.
Where the Province has stated that this is a “Safe and Effective” treatment…based on, who the hell even knows at this point…
Where existing studies show the detriments of Health caused by chronic exposure to Fluoride…
And the Data from COVID shows that there may absolutely be a causal link to poor immune health and the response from COVID.
I’m still working through more information on this and absolutely am open to your sharing of ideas and additional information…because at this point, there are a lot of things going on with our health and in our healthcare system, with having forced medical treatments - mandated jabs and fluoridated water, now with the introduction of Bovaer into our food-chain by way of meat and dairy, that we need to get under control.
And you know what…even if I’m wrong in my conclusions about this being linked to fluoridation…somebody has some serious explaining to do!
I was part of the group that brought about the decision to remove fluoride from Calgary water. The main organizer was Fay Ash whose mother was deeply anti-fluoride going back to her time in Germany. Fay wrote school curricula in Calgary sometimes pointing to the negative affects of fluoride. She recruited the medical school prof., James Beck who co-authored an anti-fluoride text. Dr. Bob Dickson was integral to the campaign. I keep hearing rumours that some bad actors have being trying to sneak fluoride back into the water. Can we say for sure whether or not that has happened on the sly?
Every once in a while I see the kind of dumb ass pro-fluoride essays coming from nobodies employed in pseudo education. Their toxic bull shit is written in the same style as the NDP- propaganda defending lockdowns, masking, kill shots, mandating and authoritarian policing to assure compliance with their socialist worshipping of the almighty state. Are we sure that Calgary drinking water is unfluoridated? Getting the fluroride out of the water was the result of a glorious democratic project of public education that should be afforded a place of honour in Calgary's history.
Of course. More toxins added to the body means more episodes of the body trying to remove the toxins - this is what COVID, colds, flu, etc. represent. No virus needed, just lots of toxicity.