It’s hard to know where to even start in talking about this product…is it on:
Toxification of Beef?
Failure of Meat Like Products?
Failure of Lab Grown Meats?
Eating Bugs?
Bird Flu?
Other Food Lies?
Beef Causing Cancer?
Experimental Products being added to the food chain?
How stupid the Climate Narrative is?
The failure of “Science”, over the last decade?
Electric Vehicles?
Heat Pumps?
Elimination of affordable energy?
$100s of Millions Pissed Away on Bike Lanes?
Culling the Human Herd?
Because all of these seemingly line up in the same subject...and this is seemingly where we’ve arrived.
You see…by allowing them to get away with this Climate Change Alarmism, where we’ve been forced to accept that Plant Food - AKA - CO2, is causing every westernized country to heat up twice as fast as every other country.
Or so those lying bastards tell us, right?
And because of that…we’re strapped with massive tax increases to pay for unsustainable and unreliable energy - by way of Renewable Energy.
As well as being told that Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicles will begin being phased out by 2030…
Seeing bicycle lanes prioritized by clearing, cleaning and maintenance over Auto Lanes…
And of course why we have an insane tax on absolutely everything that we purchase, fuel for our vehicles and the gas/propane/heating oils that keep us alive in the winter.
This latest scam, is because they still believe that the methane in Cow Farts is contributing to Green House Gases (GHGs)…
Which isn’t entirely wrong. When you flatulate, it’s not filtered out through your undershorts, it has to go upward and outward…but in actuality, COWS DON’T FART. They Burp.
That’s why the previous Prince and now our Dullard King Charles, awarded a prize for face masks specifically built for Cows to cut methane admission.
No…I’m not kidding.
*note - his tiny with chubby little fingers creep me right out.
How can we look at the generation with the most amount of information in the history of the planet coming up with something this stupid and getting a prize for it?
But as an alternative…I’d actually prefer Cow Masks as a concept over the Alternative…Bovaer - (3-Nitrooxypropanol).
The Guaranteed Analysis says that it is made up of about 10% of 3-nitrooxypropanol, 60% silicone dioxide and with the only other ingredient making up 30% of the composition.
That 3rd component - Propylene Glycol, which you may know by it’s other name, ANTIFREEZE.
As in…30% of this crap they’re feeding to cows, is the same stuff to keep your engine still cooling but without freezing in the winter.
Now…in fairness, it’s not the toxic Ethelene Glycol that they had to add a toxic flavoring to, to keep people from poising their spouses and neighbors yappy dog…but does this make you feel any better?
Me neither.
Silicone Dioxide…while is used in Construction, Glass Production, Hydraulic Fracturing is also used in pharmaceuticals and toothpaste…and apparently only dangerous if you breathe it in - where it causes a fatal lung disease.
Silicone dioxide is found in leafy green vegetable, beets, bell peppers…not that this makes it safer - after learning about the Fluoride content in Tea and Tomatoes…but at this point, I’ll consider it relatively safe because it apparently gets flushed out by our kidneys…
So…exactly what the hell is in 3-nitrooxypropanol, where only 10% of this concoction that makes you have to wear PPE, including impervious gloves to handle?
I have no idea, nor can I find an LD50, nor MSDS for it.
(LD50 is an abbreviation for "lethal dose, 50%" and is a measure of how much of a substance is required to kill half of a group of test animals)
But…if you are not supposed to be feeding this shit in dry dairy cows, bulls, replacement heifers or bulls, growing cattle, or other ruminant species because safety and effectiveness have not been evaluated…then there are some alarm bells ringing in my head.
Especially with this part of the document provided:
While they call it a “low-risk”, kind of like calling heart damage “rare”, following the CONVID Jabs…in the same document saying that there is a reasonable probability that it will cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals throws up a huge RED FLAG!
Bovaer is an enzyme inhibitor…which impacts the digestive system…where by evolution, cows have already done this by way of having 4 compartments to their stomachs…impacting any of these could be catastrophic.
You see, these aren’t the first experiments to be done on animals and their consumption patterns. Turn of the last century, back in the 1900s, as a cheap feed for pigs, whiskey mash was available and they couldn’t think of a better way to get rid of it…and pigs gobbled it up.
From this, while pigs grew quickly…but a lot of them got sick and died.
Keeping in mind that the ingredients of the mash are identical - without the use of yeasts and sugars, to what they already consumed.
When they fed pigs coconut oil, in the 1940s, to fatten them up…they turned into Arnold Schwarzenoinkers!
Cows fed aspartame, to try and prove the safety of it, also got sick and died.
And how well is the population getting along with GMO grains again?
It all comes down to a very sensitive process of digestion that involves our microbiota (gut bugs) that can be impacted and turn things horribly wrong…
Which is the EXACT intent of a substance called 3-Nitrooxypropanol, used in Bovaer.
While Bovaer has been in development for 15 years…we don’t have generations of Dairy Cows to pluck data off, or to see the impact on additional lineages of these cattle, only that bulls can absolutely not consume it.
We have no idea of the changes that this could cause, over the span of time…or if other animals get into the same feed.
We also have no idea what the long term effects on humans are by what is produced from Dairy Cows - being everything DAIRY…
And while Dairy Cows aren’t our primary source of meat…mostly used commercially and for Hamburger…they are in our food supply!
The absolute worst thing to learn about this…it’s already been Approved for use in Canada, where it’s been tested in 15k Cows!
I don’t know about you…
But I’m a little tired of being called into involuntary test trials…and without knowing the slaughter houses processing these cows or the dairies processing this into dairy products…I’ve quickly become a lot leery of where I’m shopping and what I’m consuming.
We need to find out who is using a product that will do nothing to fix a manufactured crisis, so that we are not the next herd to be culled!
I sent this note to my favourite dairy:
Love your products. Milk, cream, butter.
Can you assure me that none of the cows who produce your wonderful milk are currently being fed Bovaer-10.
Thank you,"
Right on target: "We need to find out who is using a product that will do nothing to fix a manufactured crisis, so that we are not the next herd to be culled!"