While we have escaped the pandemic sham that plagued Canada over the last few years, we’re still not out of the hot water.
2024 leaves a number of issues that will need to still be dealt with in 2025, because they continue to linger, despite all information being posted to their contrary and because not enough Canadians have twigged onto the battles that still rage.
Starting off with…the CONVID Jabs.
In 2024 - we’d finally had a look behind the curtain of studies created by the, now terminated, AstraZeneca’s CONVID Jab - Phase III Analysis.
This information dropped in May of 2024…despite countries having banned it’s use as early as March of 2021.
I did a deeper dive into this information that you can find in PDF version →HERE, in case you’d missed…
Which still leaves the biggest question being…following 3 years of being banned and nobody using it…why’d it still take 3 years to publish this information?
And now that there are countries and several states that have pulled the mRNA versions of the jabs because…welp…they provide ZERO protection, ZERO benefits and only offer up RISKS, which will take a generation to fully realize, have injured Millions of people globally - Thousands throughout Canada…where we are still not seeing proper compensation through VISP (Vaccine Injury Support Program). Delayed but recently updated information on this only shows 3060 Claims received, 2322 that are admissible, with only 209 of them being approved for payout to the tune of $16,574,972.
Essentially, given the failure of this program, moving at the speed of a 3 legged turtle, it would seem that they are waiting for people to either die from their symptoms, give up on their claims or opt for MAiD.
Hopefully, at least those in Alberta, will be able to see some quicker resolve and fair compensation through the Class Action Lawsuit - Covid-19 Vaccine Class Action - brought forward by Rath and Company - under Carrie Sakamoto as the Class Representative. Updates state - January 29th, 2025 - Case Management Conference, as next steps in this process.
Get all of the information →HERE.
While the adherence to “Boosters” in 2024, remains low…until these are completely removed from Canada and compensation is dealt with adequately…this battle will rage on throughout 2025.
Fluoridated Water:
A 7 year trial on the use of Fluoride in water had been concluded, in 2024…where the risks of adding fluoride into drinking water was concluded to pose an “Unreasonable Risk” to children, by a US Federal Court.
With this, Pointe-Claire and Dorval, Quebec - are discontinuing their use of the Fluoridation in drinking water…where Calgary, is set to add this into the drinking water in Q1 of 2025.
This bungled program, voted on in a plebiscite in 2021, seen a 62% approval from Calgarians to add this back at a cost of $10 Million. The costs of adding this back has already surpassed the initial cost factor and has exploded to $28 Million and has run long past its launch date…providing a window of opportunity for appeal.
Through new provincial legislation stating:
Where Fluoride is a Public Health Measure…this may come down to a fight with the Province of Alberta in ceasing the launch of this program in Calgary as well as see it removed the taps in Edmonton…because you cannot have your rights against forced medical treatments decided in a VOTE, especially one that never included other municipalities that share the Calgary water feed, where they’d never had opportunity to even weigh in on this decision.
BOVAER - the New Kid on the Block:
Absolutely not being a solution to a problem that absolutely does not exist…climate having changed for the entire lifespan of the planet…we’d learned about a New Drug that’s being added to our food-chain through use in Dairy Cows - to reduce their ability in creating methane by reducing their burps…where the originally and non-pharmaceutical intervention - though approved by King Charles, when he was still only Prince Charles…
Would have been just as effective at doing absolutely nothing to fix the weather…also wouldn’t add (3-Nitrooxypropanol), into your dairy and low quality beef cuts.
And why have your cows looking sheepish in the fields, wearing a mask, with no adverse events reported to humans when you can have this:
Bird Flu Jabs:
We know that they’re trying to whip people into a frenzy with new jabs over the Bird Flu…but this seems to be falling on deaf ears given that there’s only been one suspected case in Canada…
And even in a rushed situation in the United States - where Trump will be taking the helm on January 20th, 2025, RFK Jr on his six…a mad rush to have Biden approve the jabs for distro, will probably not see this hitting the United States with any vigor, nor even make it into Canada - but still worthy of mention.
These…just on the Health Side of things…a lot more concern to be had with the Canadian Healthcare System still collapsing under weight of mass and unsustainable immigration, worsening health by those immuno-compromised because of the jabs, the increase on MAiD…
Will see what time affords to bust out the rest of the battles that will be hitting with Municipal and Federal Elections in 2025…their timeline…foreign interference into elections and the rampant spending fraud that the Liberals will be sticking us taxpayers with as they’re broomed to the curb.
Stay Tuned!
My big question is, when will Canada and the Provinces start to look into the Covid Bio Weapon, no one is looking into it, will PP look into it. All over the world news and research shows that these are bio weapons.
And on it goes... me thinks 2025 is going to be much like the past decade, full of chaos and continued corruption. So we'll likely have a Conservate majority, still going to have globalists controlling it! So much remains to be seen, it's going to be interesting.