It took over 2 years before we could get a look into the financing of the last Municipal Election, for the city of Calgary...and when we had a look under the hood, we found out about a group named Calgary's Future.
Calgary's Future received 6 contributions leading up to the 2021 election...all from civic unions, including CUPE.
They were able to throw together $1.7 Million to buy a whole lotta seats on council, including donations that were used to Select the least popular and catastrophic failure of a Mayor, Jyoti Gondek.
What is important to know about this group is that they openly brag about being owning city council seats and let know that if city doesn't meet with their demands, they will punt them in following elections and continue on trying to steal away anything that resembles free and fair democracy.
Calgary's future published this video, mocking elections up on their Twitter/X feed:
Purple hair on a Muppet says it all, hey?
This shameful video, at the end, posses the question - "Any idea which councilors are Muppet Friendly?"
Could it possibly be the same councilors who decided to ignore the voices of hundreds of their constituents who showed up to present at city hall with no support for Blanket Rezoning?
Because we at least know that Gondek was one, right?
Calgary is in a bit of another catastrophic situation...under the same council who has jacked up property taxes to give themselves a raise, while we see lower services and out of control spending.
$5 Million for a City Slogan?
Now...Gondek, despite having a large surplus of cash is still reaching out to the Province to help cover costs of the damages from the water main break, which is at last update not forecasted to be complete until July 5th, 2024. Could this have been completed sooner...if we got the pipe, which was available in Alberta, instead of trucking it 1600 Miles from San Diego?
Probably could have also saved a few bucks on it by purchasing local, if not just by saving fuel on transport for the additional 2,300 kms to bring it in from Nisku instead of the furthest possible point of purchase, excluding Mexico or South America.
By the way...isn't Gondek the one who declared a "Climate Emergency", for the city of Calgary on her first day in office?
So much has happened since then, it's hard to remember. Calgary is, on water restrictions, with future restrictions prophesized, coming into Summer Solstice, Canada Day Long Weekend and the Calgary Stampede...and the same union that helped Select Mayor Gondek and their swath of Union Friendly Councilors has this to say:
That they are going to take advantage of the Calgary Water negotiate for higher wages.
Or...they'll go on strike, leaving the city without water through the Stampede.
Sounds like extortion to me.
What sort of mafia runs these organizations anyways?
Buying seats on council;
Creating the circumstances that inevitably lead to the failure to begin with;
Using a crisis situation to extort higher wages...
It's truly incredible to see this happen, out in the open...and they're not even trying to hide this anymore.
Show me any public associations or professionals. That aren't corrupt. They all are . Every single person in a position of " authority" is corrupt. Especially in politics. Prive me wrong !! Yes unions ate definitely behind a lot of the corruption and they aren't doing it for their union members..they are doing it for personal profit
Good. The more stupid the better the chance sheep finally wake up.