Earlier this summer, Alberta NDP MLA - Shannon Phillips, for Lethbridge-West decided to step down from her position and this will force an early election in Lethbridge to fill this seat.
Instead of running for the first seat available so that he could actually participate in AB Legislature…Nenshi chickened out on running for this seat - already an existing NDP Seat, and endorse this guy:
Which…really doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Because think about it…Until Nenshi can actually get a seat, he needs to be little more than an observer in Legislature and won’t get to speak in session nor during QP.
And if there is anything that you know about Nenshi…he’s a total self-aggrandizing narcissistic attention whore, who believes that he is saving the Provincial Party from Collapse.
He did capture 62k votes making up more than 10x the amount of votes that the closest runner up - Kathleen Ganley - received and openly boasts about this victory - despite the fact that Elections Alberta found that the NDP broke election finance rules concerning membership fees where contributions were equated as “membership renewals”…as in, they needed to bolster votes to embellish party support, which seemingly weighed in heavier on the Nenshi side of things - no pun intended.
But of course…instead of actually addressing it, they just let news die down, knowing that with a new scandal every 12 seconds in Canadian Politics…this wouldn’t make it much past August 10th to be forgotten.
Only now…
Nenshi just released the new NDP Logo and it has ZERO to do with the NDP - I’ll discuss - but 100% to do with Nenshi:
Whoever created this abomination, should be fired, but most likely won’t…because they did manage to create some mountains, include the colors orange and purple (Nenshi’s signature color - “I’m Not Blue Conservative or Red Liberal - I’m a mix”, Lie!) and most importantly…Leaves Out the NDP Logo.
You see…with failure of the Federal NDP under Jagmeet Singh and his support of the minority Liberal Party - creating the hellscape that is Canada at current…even the Rachel Notley NDPs decided that rebranding the party would need to be done.
Even in Lefty British Columbia…when the Liberalesque BC United party folded…their voter base moved more Conservative than did over to the Liberal Light - NDP version:
So…the big change…
Eliminate the NDP from the NDP and make the whole party about Nenshi.
It’s a bold move…
Because that’s throwing a lot of eggs into the Nenshi Basket that he cheated to win to begin with…and now that he has ZERO confidence of running in the first available seat - Lethbridge - so that he can set his hair on Fire in ABLeg, he’s decided to endorse somebody else and wait for some other schlep to surrender their seat so that he can actually have a shoe in, win.
Not so much…if he thought that he’d truly spoke to Albertans and for Albertans…Lethbridge would be his seat.
Nenshi knows that the public knows that he and nacheal ritley hsve fudged some numbers. He also knows. Nobody truly likes him but in reality. NOBODY TRUSTS NDP OR POLIRICIANS
"Nenshi…he’s a total self-aggrandizing narcissistic attention whore"
LMAO! Best description I've heard yet about that POS!