
All of the scientists and the medical experts...

Claims the dufus

For a moment…

I want you to forget about:

  • Election interference;

  • Receiving cash from the government of China;

  • $80K Free Gifted Vacations;

  • $6k/Night Rooms in the UK;

  • Numerous Ethics violations;

  • War Measures Act;

  • Seized Bank Accounts;

  • Massive inflation based on the Trudeau spending more than all other Prime Ministers Combined;

  • SNC Lavalin;

  • Bombardier;

  • Jody Wilson-Raybould;

  • The Purchase of 10k ventilators that were never approved for use in Canada;

  • Selling off PPE to China, at the beginning of a Pandemic;

  • Lying to Canadians about said PPE;

  • $54 Million dollar app that could have been made in a weekend for 1/10th of the cost - ArriveCan

  • …………………………………………..The list goes on….

Because there is only one real issue that nobody is focusing on…it’s forced or caused all of the above including the collapse of our economic system, division of friends, families and communities, stripped away socialization and effective education of our youth, created a 2 class system, collapsed the Healthcare System (or reveal how terrible it was always to begin with) was used to force fear into Canadians for the last 2+ years…while it continues to injure Canadians…

The COVID Vaccines.

Whether you were vaccinated or not…injured or not…there is an incredible liklihood that you know somebody who was injured by the jabs…while they offered zero protection from COVID and even on the shifted goal post move of “reducing infection”, did the exact opposite.

In Alberta alone, look at the impact of what Trudeaus policies have done:

Non ICU (All Cause), is at minimum 400x greater than pre-pandemic levels. One single province…what does this mean for the entirety of Canada?

You see…Trudeau keeps getting to say the shit he says in this video because it has and continues to go completely unchallenged.

As in…even with an official opposition party, Trudeau is aligned enough with the Bloc and the NDP (nobody gives a shit about the greens), so that he’s not been forced to answer for this destruction.

Today, I add GBS to the list of effects following jabs inside of my business and personal community. This is just what my list looks like alone:

  • Death

  • Turbo Cancer

  • Stroke

  • Heart Attack

  • Rhabdomyolysis

  • Bell's Palsy Guillain-Barré syndrome

  • Paralysis

  • Along with a number of coincidental neurological disorders including higher aggression and deeper depression.

And the worst part about it is…Trudeau knew from the start that the vaccines never prevented transmission, or should have looked at the fact that they’d never been proven to do so…has the entire country full of doctors including PHAC to have advised them of this as we went through these last 2 years…has the statistics provided by all provinces…and FIRED thousands of Health Care Professionals that he now claims were onboard with the vaccines because they’d seen the carnage brought by the vaccines and refused to get them - “ALL of the Scientists, medical experts, researchers”…

None of this is true.

Health Canada - PHAC - never even supported the restriction in Travel with the use of the ArriveCan App…they’d be too embarrassed to even do this. By the last federal election in September 20th, 2021, massive COVID outbreaks were happening globally as well as Canada…meaning that if the Vaccines couldn’t stop transmission, having a $54 Million Dollar App on your phone was WORTHLESS!

Yet…everything to do with the Freedom Convoy, War Measures Act, Seizing of Bank Accounts and Arrests…have been justified because nobody is asking one question…

Did the vaccines ever work?

Data from Israel was available long before 10% of Canada had taken the Death Jabs:

Even using the /100k population that the “Base Rate Fallacy”, screechy bitches like to use, showing that the vaccines were an abysmal failure…yet with each new variant, they wanted more and more jabs in arms, without ever watching what they caused.

Nobody was shocked when Trudeau used division of Vaccinated v Unvaccinated to win his last election…divisiveness has always been his modus operandi…but we are almost 2 years away from the last election, have watched unvaccinated lose civil liberties afforded by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, where the suspension of these liberties could never hold up to the Oakes Test.

Neither of these criteria were met…because the risk from COVID were only risks in people who are already under care and supervision of the Healthcare System - elderly, with multiple comorbidities, where the Majority of Lives that were lost were in those who were in Long-term Care Facilities.

There was never reason to override a constitutionally protected right or freedom, meaning that any mandated measure on the general population could never be justified, even if it was as simple as “Bumping Elbows” or “Washing Hands”, every 6 feet in public.

The fact that he went further than this is a crime…against all Canadians…including those who were at actual risk.

Here’s the problem.

With this going unchecked and unanswered…every other measure to rationalize keeping people locked down may, by law, be ruled as justifiable.

He created a pandemic when there was none…

To divide a country for political purposes…

When those opposed rebelled…

Legality of addressing the situation was used, instead of ever addressing the CAUSE.

“We Trusted the Best Science”

“We listened to All Medical Professionals”

“We Protected People”

“We saved Millions of Lives”

All Bullshit.

And this part about properly incentivizing everybody to get the jabs…keeping your civil liberties is NOT an incentive, when removing them in the first place, was a CRIME!

People will continue to be harmed and die from these unnecessary treatments…we have no idea what those who were vaccinated will face long term…

And the reason that this is the most important thing right now, above all else is…if we don’t get this addressed and dealt with accordingly…Canada’s Chief Dipstick will undoubtedly…

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