41% of ALL COVID Deaths in 6 Months Following Booster Program - 59% for 18 Months Prior
Alberta Provincial Data
Most of the Vaccine Supporting Politicians, react like Paul A Calandra, starting at the Minute fourteen second mark in this video. They tell about all of the amazing things that have been accomplished and people saved by the Vaccinations, without a single shred of proof or anything to justify their claims.
I’ve just recently received an email reply from my MP, Len Webber, regarding the Pfizer Postmarketing experience, where he stated the following:
You can find this information here, and it is a far better indication of the vaccine’s success than trial data is. I will not continue to debunk misinformation, skewed statistics, and data that has long since been irrelevant.
He’s not going to pay attention to anything that looks bad for the vaccines and anything that isn’t posted provincially or federally are Skewed Stats that he’s not going to bother trying to debunk anymore.
His claims follow PHAC and even his link goes to the site.
I know that Len is too stupid or lazy to have actually visited the website because he claims as Health Canada does this to be accurate:
While also ignoring that there have been over 100,000 vaccine injuries in the country, on the same page as his link:
Which conveniently leave out the Adverse Reaction of COVID-19 by way of Case, Hospitalization and Deaths - Link:
Is COVID-19 an Adverse Event following Vaccination?
Why would anybody even argue against this point. The vaccination program was initiated to stop the pandemic and even with PHAC refusing to update these figures properly, it still shows the abysmal catastrophe following vaccinations where there are over 4,000 deaths from COVID in various states of vaccinations.
Whose stats are SKEWED, Len Webber?
Prior to the Boosters rolling out in Alberta, I’ve posted a couple of substacks on how death and disease follow the vaccinations in a real-time format, made easy to understand by clearing away the media and political static. What we see following the booster program, as an overall look, is actually pretty terrible.
As of September 1st, Alberta started into the booster program:
And while there were some Albertan’s boosted prior - due to those with mixed vaccinations from the multiple options not being able to travel, some people did indeed have more than 2 jabs in the arms prior to this date - but this was the official launch pad for them. On this date, Alberta had seen 2,388 COVID deaths, according to the Provincial Dashboard:
As of March 17th, 2022, the most recent information shows that there are 4,023 total deaths:
Showing that it took 6 months of Pandemic to increase morality from/with COVID by 1635 deaths making up 41% of ALL COVID mortality since the beginning of the pandemic.
And, as it turns out, the Highest Risk groups still represent the greatest amount of COVID deaths - age stratified from September 1st, 2021 to March 17, 2022:
Lumping them all into one group of High Risk being 60+, they account for 87% of total Mortality for this period:
All while they still represent the HIGHEST in the Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Populations by age stratification:
All of the extra doses given to everybody who was never at risk is being used as Noise. This noise creates confusion in that everybody believes they are at risk, when they are not and also leads some to believe that the vaccines are working, when they are absolutely not. They’ve diluted the pool of data and only deliver on the High Points - total deaths and hospitalizations but never really spend a lot of time focusing on any progress that’s been made.
Well, Len Webber and other Vaccine Shills…here’s your fucking data.
Choke on it!
Another great piece of work Sheldon. Are you aware of this US movement?